Principal Investigator
Caroline Laplante, PhD
Graduate Students
Jessica Martinez-Baird
Genetics Program, PhD candidate
Jessica got her BS in 2017 in Wildlife Health Science from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN. Since graduating, she joined a team at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to help develop genetic technologies for sustainable bioenergy. She is now a Ph.D student in the Genetics program at NCSU, and a Genetics & Genomics Scholar from the Genetics & Genomics Initiative (GGI) at NCSU. She is excited to join the Laplante lab to research the complex dynamics of cell division proteins and chromatin using super resolution microscopy. When not conducting research, she can be found learning new food recipes, out on a hike with her husband and dog, watching history documentaries, or learning how to knit.
Zoe Tyree
Genetics Program, PhD student
Research Staff
Kimberly Bellingham-Johnstun
Research Associate
Brié Levesque
Research Associate
Abby Scudder (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Ángel Castillo Cordero (Biochemistry, PhD student, NCSU)
Gershom Mathew (Research assistant)
Kaylee Lanning (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Logan Bowling (Molecular Biomedical Sciences, Postdoctoral Fellow, NCSU)
Blake Commer (Molecular Biomedical Sciences, Postdoctoral Fellow, NCSU)
Sophia Webster (Physics, Postdoctoral Fellow, NCSU)
Annelise Thorn (Laboratory Technician)
Nirav Shah (Research Assistant)
Mohamed Moshtohry (Physics, PhD student, NCSU)
Christina Bruinsma (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Rachel Szymanski (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Sarah Hiscocks (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Casey Anders (Laboratory Technician)
John Ravi (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Andrew Ford (Applied Mathematics, PhD student, UNC Chapel Hill)